Domain Name
A domain name is the URL of your site, or more simply, it is the web address of your site.
Domain name registration is a hidden cost of website building. The cost will fluctuate depending on what domain name you want.
Hosting is where your site will be stored. It’s like building land for a house. You cannot build a house in the air, and you can’t build a website there either. Your site must be hosted somewhere.
SSL Certificate
Secure Socket Layer is a must for a secure site today. SSL is a small file that encrypts data between your clients and the hosting server — for example, the data of their credit cards.
Content filling your site is no less important than hosting or a domain name. Content is filling your site with relevant, literate, and clear information.
Website Content is the hidden cost of a website building. It is not the responsibility of the developer to fill your site with content. This includes filling in information about the tagline, subheadings, product features, “about us” page and more.
We classify design as an additional cost because it is an important part of influencing your customers. After you create a website you will get a standard theme on your site, and it may be good enough. If you want more, you have to invest extra money.
Site design is primarily what draws attention to your service. If you want to turn visitors into customers, improve your design!
SEO is about optimizing your website for search engines. Simply put, you can create an amazing site with great content and an attractive design, but users won’t find it unless the site is optimized for search engines.
Usually, when creating a website, some standard (minimum) security settings are set. However, this will not be enough to ensure that your data and that of your customers are adequately protected.
Other Hidden Costs of Buildling a Website
- Plug-Ins, Updates and Templates
- EShopping Isn’t Cheap
- DIY Builders Can Only Go so Far
- The Cost of Clicks
- Consistency Has a Cost
- Support and Maintenance
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